13 Posts tagged with DATA STRUCTURE
Data Structures & Algorithms"
A data structure is a way of storing and organizing the data and an algorithm is a step by step procedure to to solve a particular problem.
Introduction to Data Structures
Data structure is a way of organizing and storing data in computers in such a way that we can perform operations like retrieval, access and search effectively
Introduction to Array
Array is a collection of items of same data type which are stored at contiguous memory locations, which makes easy retrieval of the item.
How ArrayList grow in size dynamically
A dynamic array is a contiguous area of memory whose size changes dynamically when required. In dynamic arrays the size of the arrays varies over time.
Linked List Data Structure
A Linked List is a linear data structure consisting of nodes where each node has corresponding data and a pointer to the next node
Queue Data Structure
Queue is a linear data structure which has is open at both ends and the operations are performed in First In First Out (FIFO) order
Stack Data Structure
Stack is a linear data structure which has one open end and the operations performed in Last-In-First-Out order.
Stack Implementation Using Linked List
Stack is a linear data structure to store and manipulate data which follows LIFO (Last In First Out) order during adding and removing elements in it.
Stack Implementation Using Array
Stack is a linear data structure to store and manipulate data which follows LIFO (Last In First Out) order during adding and removing elements in it.
Stack Implementation Using Resizable Arrays
Stack is a linear data structure to store and manipulate data which follows LIFO (Last In First Out) order during adding and removing elements in it.