Flowchart Symbols and Notation
What is Flowchart
Flowchart is a diagrammatic (graphical) representation of an algorithm. Flowchart shows the steps defined in algorithm in sequential order with flow using symbols. Flowcharts are used to illustrate algorithms in order to aid in the visualization of an algorithm. Flowcharts are to be read top to bottom and left to right in order to follow an algorithms logic from start to end.
Flowchart Symbols
Below are the commonly used flowchart symbols to represent algorithm pictorially.
Start/ End Symbol
This is also known as Terminator Symbol. This represents start and end positions of the process. Oval or Rounded Rectangle shape is used to represent the start/end symbol.
Input / Output Symbol
This is also known as Data Symbol. This is used to represent the data which is provided as input for the given problem and the output which is produced during process of the algorithm. Parallelogram is used to represent input/output symbol in flowchart.
Process Symbol
This is also known as Action Symbol. This is used to represent the action which has to be performed in the algorithm. Rectangle is used to represent process symbol.
Decision Symbol
This is used to when we need to take a decision if we are having multiple outcomes of an action. One of the most commonly occurred use case is true/false or yes/no. Diamond is used to represent the decision symbol.
Flow Line Symbol
This used as a connector which shows the direction of algorithm flow. An Arrow is used to represent the flow line.