Armstrong Number
Problem Statement
1Problem Description : Write Algorithm, Flowchart and Program to find given number is Armstrong Number23Example 1 :4 Input : n = 1535 Output : 153 is an Armstrong Number6 Explanation : 1³ + 5³ + 3³ = 153 which is equal to given number78Example 2 :9 Input : n = 12110 Output : 121 is not an Armstrong Number11 Explanation : 1³ + 2³ + 1³ = 10 which is not equal to given number
Armstrong Number :
Armstrong Number is a number that is equal to the sum of cubes of its digits. For example, 153 is an Armstrong number since 1³ + 5³ + 3³ = 153.
1Input : number n2Step 1: Start3Step 2: Read number n4Step 3: Initialize variable sum to 0 and temp to n5Step 4: If temp not equal to 0 Go to Step 5 , else Go to Step 96Step 5: digit = temp % 107Step 6: temp = temp / 108Step 7: sum = sum + digit * digit * digit9Step 8: Repeat Step 410Step 9: If sum is equal to n Print "Armstrong"11Step 10: Else Print "Not Armstrong"12Step 11: Stop13Output: Armstrong Number / not an Armstrong Number
Code Implementation
- Java
- Golang
- C
1import java.util.Scanner;23public class ArmstrongNumber {45 public static void main(String[] args) {6 Scanner sc = new Scanner(;7 System.out.println("Enter Number : ");8 int n = sc.nextInt();9 int temp = n;10 int sum = 0;1112 while(temp !=0) {13 int digit = temp % 10;14 temp = temp / 10;15 sum = sum + digit * digit * digit ;16 }1718 if (sum == n) {19 System.out.printf("%d is an Armstrong Number \n", n);20 }else {21 System.out.printf("%d is Not an Armstrong Number \n", n);22 }23 }24}
Output 1:
1Enter Number : 1532153 is an Armstrong Number
Output 2:
1Enter Number : 3212321 is not an Armstrong Number