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  • Data Structure
  • Stack
  • Linked List

    Stack Using Linked List


    Stack is a linear data structure to store and manipulate data which follows LIFO (Last In First Out) order during adding and removing elements in it. There are two basic ways to implement stack data structure :

    In this post we are going to discuss about linked list based implementation of stack data structure. Before proceeding with this post, it is highly recommended to understand what is linked list and how stack operations are performed.


    In a linked list, whenever we want to add/delete an element we either add/delete at the beginning or at random position or at the end of the linked list. Whereas in case of stack we do restrict add/delete at only one endpoint which is at the end as it follows Last In First Out ordering. So the last node is always the key element for stack operations.

    Stack of Balls


    Stack algorithm is defined in terms of adding an element which is called Push and deleting an element from the stack which is called Pop.

    Initialization : Add variable last which points to the last node of the linked list. If there are no elements in the stack, it points to null.

    Push Operation

    1. Create a new node for the data given. Let us assume newly created node as newNode
    2. If stack is empty (no elements left in the stack)
      • initialize last to newNode
    3. Else
      • in this case newNode will be the last element and the current last element will be the oldLast element.
      • update newNode as the last element.
      • the last element next points to the oldLast element.
    1void push(int data) :
    2 Node newNode = new Node(data)
    4 if(last == null) :
    5 last = newNode
    7 else :
    8 // store oldLast pointer
    9 Node oldLast = last
    11 // update newNode as the last element
    12 last = newNode
    14 // add connection to oldLast element
    15 = oldLast

    Pop Operation

    1. If stack is empty (last == null)
      • throw exception
    2. Else
      • remove the last element
      • It means second last element will be the last element which is
    1int pop() :
    2 if(last == null) :
    3 throw exception
    5 else :
    6 Node top = last
    8 // remove last element by updating last to next element
    9 last =
    11 return

    Dry Run

    To understand push and pop operations clearly, let us perform below operations. Let us consider we have few balls and we want to place them or delete them on request basis in a container (stack)

    StackOperations - Dry Run

    Java Implementation

    1public class StackUsingLinkedList {
    2 private Node last ;
    4 public void push(int data){
    5 // create new node for the given data
    6 Node newNode = new Node(data);
    8 //check stack is empty or not
    9 if(isEmpty()){
    10 // initialize last to newly created node
    11 last = newNode;
    12 }
    13 // if stack is not empty
    14 else {
    15 Node oldLast = last;
    17 // newNode will be always on top
    18 // and is obviously last element
    19 last = newNode;
    21 // add link to oldLast element
    22 // as last node next element
    23 = oldLast;
    24 }
    25 }
    27 public int pop(){
    28 // if stack is empty throw exception
    29 if(isEmpty()){
    30 throw new RuntimeException("Stack is Empty");
    31 }
    32 // take data of the last element
    33 int data =;
    35 // remove last element by
    36 // updating last to it's next element
    37 last =;
    39 //return data
    40 return data;
    41 }
    43 // to check which element is on top
    44 public int peek(){
    45 if(isEmpty()){
    46 throw new RuntimeException("Stack is Empty");
    47 }
    48 // as stack is not empty
    49 // last element is always on top of stack
    50 return;
    51 }
    53 // code to check the stack is empty or not
    54 public boolean isEmpty(){
    55 return last == null;
    56 }
    58 // node class
    59 private static class Node{
    60 Node next;
    61 int data;
    63 Node(int data){
    64 = data;
    65 }
    66 }
    68 public static void main(String[] args) {
    69 StackUsingLinkedList obj = new StackUsingLinkedList();
    71 int data = 20;
    72 obj.push(data);
    73 System.out.println("Top Element After pushing "+data+" >>>> "+obj.peek());
    75 data = 30;
    76 obj.push(data);
    77 System.out.println("Top Element After pushing "+data+" >>>> "+obj.peek());
    79 data = 45;
    80 obj.push(data);
    81 System.out.println("Top Element After pushing "+data+" >>>> "+obj.peek());
    83 // As last element is 45, obj.pop should remove 45
    84 // and top element should be at 30
    85 System.out.println("POP >> "+obj.pop());
    86 System.out.println("Top Element After pop is "+obj.peek());
    87 }


  • Data Structure
  • Stack
  • Linked List