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  • DSA Problems
  • Linear Search
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    Square Root of an Integer

    Problem Statement

    1Problem Description : Given a non negative integer n, find the largest integer that is less than or equal to √n. It means
    2if n is not a perfect square return floor(√n).
    4NOTE : Do not use sqrt function from standard library.
    6Constraints: 0 <= n <= 231 - 1
    8Input: An integer n
    10Output: floor(√n)
    1Example1 :
    3 Input : 9
    5 Output: 3
    7 Explanation : 9 is perfect square of 3, so √9 returns 3
    1Example2 :
    3 Input : 11
    5 Output: 3
    7 Explanation :
    8 9 < 11 < 16 => 32 < 11 < 42
    9 It means √11 lies between 3 and 4 and so floor(√11) = 3

    Solution Approaches

    Naïve Solution


    We know that square root of an integer n always lies between 1 and n.

    If k is square root of n, it means k² = n.

    So for k ranging from 1 to n, check if k² = n satisfies or not.

    This approach is called linear search, searching for k from 1 to n for which k² = n.

    If x is not perfect square then the value of x will be the one which satisfies k² < n < (k+1)²


    1Input : An integer n
    3Step 0: Initialize a variable k = 1
    5Step 1: If n = 0 or n = 1 return n
    7Step 2: if k*k <=n increment k
    9Step 3: else return k-1
    11Step 4: Repeat steps 2 to 3.
    13Output : floor(√n)

    Handling Integer Overflow

    1Note : Few languages like java, step 2 might cause integer overflow if n is too large
    3As per problem constraints, the max value of n is 2147483647 ( 2³¹ - 1 ).
    5The square root of 2147483647 is 46340, But for n = 2147483647, the loop will not exit even though k crosses 46340.
    7The reason is very simple, an incase of java int variable at max can hold value up to 2147483647, and k² for k above 46340 causes integer overflow (eg: 46341² = -2147479015).
    9To overcome this, convert k² <=n to k <= n/k

    Video Explanation

    Code Implementation

    1. Java
    2. Python
    3. Go

    1public class SquareRootUsingLinearSearch {
    3 public int squareRoot(int n) {
    4 if(n == 0 || n == 1){
    5 return n;
    6 }
    7 int k = 1;
    8 // if k*k equals to n then k is the answer
    9 // if k*k < n < (k+1) * (k+1) then k is the answer
    10 // It means (k+1) * (k+1) > n , k is the answer
    11 // As k*k may cause integer overflow convert equation k*k <= n => k <= n/k
    12 while (k <= n/k) {
    13 k++;
    14 }
    15 return k-1;
    16 }
    18 public static void main(String[] args){
    19 SquareRootUsingLinearSearch obj = new SquareRootUsingLinearSearch();
    20 int n = 9;
    21 System.out.printf("sqrt(%d) = %d%n", n, obj.squareRoot(n));
    22 n = 16;
    23 System.out.printf("sqrt(%d) = %d%n", n, obj.squareRoot(n));
    24 n = 25;
    25 System.out.printf("sqrt(%d) = %d%n", n, obj.squareRoot(n));
    26 n = 26;
    27 System.out.printf("sqrt(%d) = %d%n", n, obj.squareRoot(n));
    28 n = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    29 System.out.printf("sqrt(%d) = %d%n", n, obj.squareRoot(n));
    30 }

    Complexity Analysis

    • Time Complexity : O(√n)
    • Space Complexity : O(1)

    Using Binary Search



    1We know that square root of an integer n always lies between 1 and n.
    3If k is square root of n, it means k² = n.
    5For some k between 1 and n (both 1 and n inclusive), there are three cases possible
    6If k² = n then x is the answer
    7If k² <n then sqrt(n) lies in between k and n ( k <= sqrt(n) <= n)
    8If k² > n then sqrt(n) lies in between 1 and k(1 <= sqrt(n) <= k)
    10It means that we can find k efficiently by using binary search algorithm.


    1Input : An integer n
    3Step 0: Initialize low as 1 and high as n, and
    4 initialize ans to store square root of n.
    6Step 1: Repeat below steps until low lesser than or equal to high
    8Step 2: compute mid as (low+high)/2
    10Step 3: If mid*mid equal to n, return mid
    12Step 4: If mid*mid < n then search between mid+1 to n by updating
    13 low as mid+1 and
    14 update ans = mid (if n is not perfect square, mid might be the answer basis of mid+1)
    16Step 5: If mid*mid is > n then search between 1 and mid-1 by updating
    17 high as mid-1
    19Output : floor(√n)

    Video Explanation

    Code Implementation

    1. Java
    2. Python
    3. Go

    1public class SquareRootUsingBinarySearch {
    3 // method to get square root of given integer
    4 public int squareRoot(int n) {
    5 if(n == 0 || n == 1){
    6 return n;
    7 }
    8 // Square Root of any number n always lies in the range (1, n)
    9 // So initialize low to 1 and high to n
    10 int low = 1;
    11 int high = n;
    12 int ans = -1;
    13 while( low <= high){
    15 // compute mid of low and high
    16 // to avoid mid to integer overflow, u can replace mid = low+(high-mid)/2;
    17 int mid = (low+high)/2;
    18 System.out.println(low +" "+ high +" "+mid + " "+ans);
    19 // if mid*mid equals to n then mid is the answer
    20 // if mid*mid < n, mid is the answer if (mid+1) * (mid+1) > n => so increase lower bound
    21 // If mid*mid > n, increase upper bound of search space
    22 // As k*k may cause integer overflow convert equation k*k <= n => k <= n/k
    23 if (mid*mid == 0) {
    24 return mid;
    25 }else if (mid*mid < n) {
    26 ans = mid;
    27 low = mid+1;
    28 }else {
    29 high = mid-1;
    30 }
    31 }
    32 System.out.println(low +" "+ high +" " + " "+ans);
    33 return ans;
    34 }
    36 public static void main(String[] args){
    37 SquareRootUsingBinarySearch obj = new SquareRootUsingBinarySearch();
    39 int n = 99;
    40 System.out.printf("sqrt(%d) = %d%n", n, obj.squareRoot(n));
    41 }

    Complexity Analysis

    • Time Complexity : O(log n)
    • Space Complexity : O(1)

    Approaches Comparison

    ApproachTime ComplexitySpace Complexity
    Using Linear SearchO(√n)O(1)
    Using Binary SearchO( log(n) )O(1)

  • DSA Problems
  • Linear Search
  • Binary Search