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  • DSA Problems
  • Sorting
  • Array
  • Two Pointer Technique

    Merge Two Sorted Arrays

    Problem Statement

    1Problem Description :
    2Given two integer arrays A and B sorted in increasing order, merge A and B into a single sorted array C in increasing order.
    5Two sorted arrays A and B
    8Return merged sorted array C.

    Example 1:

      Input : A = {1, 3, 5, 6}, B = {2, 4, 7}

      Output: C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

      Explanation : Merging A and B produces C.

    Example 2:

      Input : A = {1, 2} and B = {7}

      Output: C = {1, 2, 7}

      Explanation : Merging A and B produces C.

    Solution Approaches

    Naïve Solution



    • Create an array C of length m+n where m is length of array A and n is length of array B.
    • Copy elements of A and B into Array C.
    • Sort the array C.

    Complexity Analysis

    • Time Complexity : O( (m+n) log (m+n) ) (Sorting Complexity)
    • Space Complexity: O(1)

    Using Two Pointers



    1Input : Sorted arrays A and B given
    3Step 1: Initialize m and n to length of the arrays A and B respectively.
    5Step 2: Create empty array C of length m+n.
    7Step 3: initialize i, j and k to index 0 of A, B and C respectively.
    9Step 4: if i < m and j < n , compare A[i] and B[j]
    10 Step 4.1 : if A[i] is lesser than B[j], copy A[i] into C[k] and increment i and k.
    11 Step 4.2 : else copy B[j] into C[k] and increment j and k.
    13Step 5: else if i < m copy A[i] into C[k] and increment i and k.
    15Step 6: else if j < n copy B[j] into C[k] and increment j and k.
    17Step 7: Repeat Steps 4 to 6 until we exhaust arrays A and B.

    Example Dry Run

    Input : A[] = {1, 3, 5, 6} , B[] = {2, 4, 7}

    1Step 1 : m = A.length and n = B.length => A = 4 and B = 3
    3Step 2: initialize result array C of length (m+n) which is 7
    5Step 3 : initialize i = 0 , j = 0 and k = 0 for arrays A, B and C respectively.
    7Step 4 to 6
    8 Iteration 1 : i = 0, j = 0 and k = 0
    9 Compare A[0] with B[0]
    10 here A[0] < B[0] => C[0] = A[0] and i ++, k++
    12 Iteration 2 : i = 1, j = 0 and k = 1
    13 Compare A[1] with B[0]
    14 here A[1] > B[0] => C[1] = B[0] and j++, k++
    16 Iteration 3 : i = 1, j = 1 and k = 2
    17 Compare A[1] with B[1]
    18 here A[1] < B[1] => C[2] = A[1] and i++, k++
    20 Iteration 4 : i = 2, j = 1 and k = 3
    21 Compare A[2] with B[1]
    22 here A[2] > B[1] => C[3] = B[1] and j++, k++
    24 Iteration 5 : i = 2, j = 2 and k = 4
    25 Compare A[2] with B[2]
    26 here A[2] < B[2] => C[4] = A[2] and i++, k++
    28 Iteration 6 : i = 3 and j = 2 and k = 5
    29 Compare A[3] with B[2]
    30 here A[3] < B[2] => C[5] = A[3] and i++, k++
    32 Iteration 7: i = 4 and j = 2 and k = 6
    33 As A elements over C[6] = B[2] and j++
    35Both A and B elements exhausted and we got the final array C.

    Output : {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

    Merge Two Sorted Arrays - Dry Run

    Java Implementation

    1import java.util.Arrays;
    2public class MergeTwoSortedArrays {
    4 public int[] merge(int[] A, int[] B) {
    5 // initialize m and n to length of arrays A and B
    6 int m = A.length;
    7 int n = B.length;
    9 // create result array C of length (m+n)
    10 int[] C = new int[m+n] ;
    12 // initialize i, j and k to 0
    13 // Index i is for array A
    14 // Index j is for array B
    15 // Index k is for result array C
    16 int i=0 , j = 0, k = 0;
    18 //Condition to check any array got exhausted ?
    19 while(i < m && j < n){
    21 // compare A[i] with B[j]
    22 if(A[i] < B[j]){
    24 // As A[i] is smaller, copy A[i] into C[k]
    25 C[k] = A[i];
    27 // as A[i] processed move to next element by incrementing i
    28 // as C[k] already filled, move to next index by incrementing k
    29 i++; k++;
    30 }else{
    32 // As B[j] is smaller, copy B[j] into C[k]
    33 C[k] = B[j];
    35 // as B[j] processed move to next element by incrementing j
    36 // as C[k] already filled, move to next index by incrementing k
    37 j++; k++;
    38 }
    39 }
    41 // This is the case when array B all elements processed &
    42 // A has still unvisited elements
    43 while(i < m) {
    44 C[k++] = A[i++];
    45 }
    47 // This is the case when array A all elements processed &
    48 // B has still unvisited elements
    49 while (j < n) {
    50 C[k++] = B[j++];
    51 }
    53 // return the result array
    54 return C;
    55 }
    57 // Driver Code to test the code
    58 public static void main(String[] args) {
    59 MergeTwoSortedArrays obj = new MergeTwoSortedArrays();
    60 int[] A = {1, 3, 5, 6};
    61 int[] B = {2, 4, 7};
    62 int[] resultArray = obj.merge(A, B);
    63 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(resultArray));
    64 }

    Complexity Analysis

    • Time Complexity : O(m+n) where m and n are length of arrays A and B respectively.
    • Space Complexity: O(1) as we are not using any extra space.

    Approaches Comparison

    ApproachTime ComplexitySpace ComplexityRemarks
    Naïve SolutionO( (m+n) log (m+n) )O(1)Complexity of Sorting the array
    Using Two Pointer TechniqueO(m+n)O(1)

  • DSA Problems
  • Sorting
  • Array
  • Two Pointer Technique